February 14, 2025

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has police have taken away the casket used in burying a kid, whose dead body was reportedly eaten by witches. (Read More Here).

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According to information, the empty coffin was found at Gionseri, Bobasi in Kisii found near a river bank. Taking to his Twitter page, popular Kenyan journalist, Abuga, revealed that an empty coffin used in burying a small child was found at Gionseri, Bobasi in Kisii found near a river bank. 

According to him, It’s believed witches exhumed the body, feasted on human flesh. The habit is commonly practiced by witches in Gusii.

Abuga wrote:

“BREAKING: Coffin purportedly used to bury a kid at Gionseri, Bobasi in Kisii found near a river bank. However, the said body could not be traced. It’s believed that the body was exhumed by witches. Matters witchcraft are rampant in Gusii. It’s believed witches eat corpses.

“It is important to note that NOT all Kisii people practice witchcraft. This is a cult (young and old, rich and poor) who believe in black magic. They hate progress. Eating human flesh is also their practice. They can make you die. Most of them have been burnt previously.

“I was shocked to see SC Khaminwa represent families of those torched at Kisii High Court this week. In 1989, a pastor at Nyakeore, Nyamira, was guided by the voice of God to visit a nearby church at night. When he arrived he met some elders feasting on human flesh.

“…. He prayed as lights went off. Suddenly, some powerful lightening came. All the images of those feasting on human flesh were captured on the wall. The images have been there for years until the church was demolished. WITCHCRAFT is real in Gusii.

“In 1999, we lost our maternal uncle at Marani, Kisii. I was pretty young. However, having guarded his grave for two days, we heard that an empty coffin had been found in a certain river with cloths. We confirmed it’s the same coffin. Those were his cloths. The grave was shaky.

“Similarly, within my village in Gesima, Nyamira, one of church elders stopped going to church. Reasons, his son died. Within two days when guarding the grave, lights went off. He woke up, heard people murmuring in nearby river. He found them feasting on the corpse.

“Those who come from Kisii and and Nyamira, have heard about Ogotarigwa. Who picks people from the house and makes them dumb? It’s high time we accept that these people exist in our society. Admission doesn’t kill anyone. They are an Embarrassment to us.

“BREAKING: Police in Kisii have taken away the coffin which was found in Bobasi. It’s believed witches exhumed the body, feasted on human flesh. The habit is commonly practiced by witches in Gusii.

“In March 2021, My father passed on. At the hospital, no disease was detected. He complained of something moving within this stomach. All examinations didn’t reveal anything. He puked a snake. So, you want me to believe this was normal? Never.

“It’s time those of us from Kisii and Nyamira agree there people exist amongst us. However, they are just a fraction. Some eat human flesh, some don’t. They can be young or old, rich or poor. They are anti-progress. It’s not easy to tell what’s exactly they use.

“It’s tough to unearth the mystery behind witchcraft. Not even scientists can do it. I saw KTN interview ‘witches’ sometimes back. Most recently, @citizentvkenya. Those are stage-managed interviews. Witches, reforms or their victims cannot do that. Those were gimmicks.

“These fellows have certain powers of getting a corpse without digging a grave. They can get you from the house without anyone you’re sleeping with hearing. They can disappear even when you meet them at night without locating them. It’s absurdity. There is witchcraft, thank you.

“I repeat for umpteenth time, NOT all Kisii people practice witchcraft. Just a few primitive people. Do not divorce our girls and men. Just stick with them. Importantly, trust in the Almighty God.

“I am asking those who Fancy witchcraft to desist from this evil practice. We can live together harmoniously. They are spoiling the name of Kisii people who are traditionally industrious. We ought to tame these few individuals.

“PLEASE don’t fear. It’s time we make these admissions. It’s been a big problem in my community, the Gusii people. Some of the witches are reading this long thread. Let them confess, get washed by the blood of Jesus. For those who come from elsewhere, do not stereotype all Kisiis.”

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