Nollywood screen diva, Eve Esin is officially off the market as she finally said “Yes” to the love of her life. Her engagement was made known by her colleagues, Rechael and Chizzy Alichi as they both posted the same picture of Eve Esin, holding a red love-shaped balloon and an engagement ring on her finger. Both actresses took to their Instagram pages to congratulate their colleague, Eve Esin, who just engaged.
In congratulatory messages, Rechael and Chizzy Alichi wrote. 👇
Rechael Okonkwo wrote: “wow @eveesin 💃💃💃💃
Congrats Kokonma.”
Chizzy Alichi wrote: “Excess grace. My girl @eveesin has tappped into the grace. Congrats darling. Is a year of celebration to all my friends and those that are genuinely happy for othera. Yours is coming, believe. I prayed for all my brides maids and friends and God answered 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃.”
See full pictures below 👇
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