Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Journalist Journalist confirmed 1-year-old baby girl, Luyanda Sigubudu, survived accident out of 17 people in Van Reenen’s Pass.

Preliminary investigations into a deadly road accident at Van Reenen’s Pass in KwaZulu-Natal on Monday have revealed that a little girl was the sole taxi passenger survivor.
At the time of publication, no further details were available on the child’s age or condition.
Authorities initially believed 18 people had died in the crash, but on Tuesday night they revealed that one survivor had been hospitalised.
KwaZulu-Natal Transport and Human Settlements MEC Siboniso Duma said the investigation also revealed that a taxi travelling from Qumbu in the Eastern Cape to Johannesburg had collided with a truck. Seven men, three women, three boys and four girls died in the crash. #khdnews #homeofthevoiceless #connectwithus
Information reads: “U Luyanda Sigubudu ona 1 bashone bonke abantu abehamba nabo kwasinda yena yedwa kubantu abawu 18 kulengozi ye truck ne taxi…simfisela ukwelulama okuhle, kushuthi unkulunkulu ubesane plan ngaye la Emhlabeni… kushone abawu 6 bomndeni wakhe kule ngozi. READ MORE HERE
“Yilo I truck leli elishayisane ne tekisi… njengoba bekubikwe ukuthi kushone 18 cha isibalo sesihlisiwe abashonile bawu 17 …ingane yentombazane okuyiyo Eka 18 iyaphila esbhedlela futhi iyelulama…I tekisi belisuka Ku Qumbu e Eastern Cape iya eGoli Kanti itekisi lisuka Ku association obizwa NGO Uncedo association…itekisi belilayishe 18 njengoba kusinde oyedwa nje…abashonile amadoda awu 7 abesifazane abawu 3 izingane zabafana eziwu 3 izingane Zama ntombazane eziwu 4 kanye nalena esindile…I truck ele company ebizwa NGO Pangolin logistics Kanti belihamba u driver wase Zimbabwe…u driver we truck ubalekile namanje akaziwa, yize kunemibuzo ubaleke kanjani endaweni enjeyana…kwi video bekunenkungu and I truck beyihamba Ku fast lane ibheke eThekwini, itekisi beyihamba Ku fast lane ibheke eGoli zase zishayana…bathe sebechitheke emgwaqeni abantu kwaqhamuka imoto eyi Renault Clio ihamba abesilisa ababili base Thekwini, bahlulekile uku breka bagijima phezu kwabo abantu…uphenyo lusaqhubeka.”
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