Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Journalist confirmed Nonhle Ngcobo from Ohlange is the mother who died in road accident as she got crushed by bus while returning from funeral in Ndwedwe.

The driver is believed to have lost control of the vehicle, which overturned, near route P100 on Saturday.
Spokesperson for ALS Paramedics, Garrith Jamieson, says a woman who is believed to have been in her sixties, suffered major injuries and died at the scene.
“The bus had approximately 100 people in it, who sustained injuries ranging from minor to critical. SAPS from Ndwedwe will be investigating further.”
Information reads: “Izolo kuginqike ibhasi ebelibuya emngcwabeni, liginqike eNdwedwe Izolo kuthiwe kushone oyedwa kwalimala abawu 22 …kunengane ebeyilokhu ingibuza ngalengozi ukuthi sengizwile yini ngayo Izolo….kunomama obecindezelwe yibhasi eshonile Izolo, iyile ingane ngoba nonina ubekuyo ibhasi…seyiyangithinta manje ithi sebeye esbhedlela bafica eseshonile nomama wayo lo osesthombeni, igama lakhe u Nonhle Ngcobo wasOhlange eNanda….kwaze kwabuhlungu bafethu…. kushuthi owesibili lona oshonile.”
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