January 3, 2025

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that  “Jesus Saves ‘t-shirt guy got kicked out for having’ Jesus coexist is the only way” with ‘coexist’ being crossed at Mall of America.

However, the man was eventually allowed to keep his shirt on and go about his shopping, a spokesperson for the mall said.

‘”After a brief interaction, the guest was not required to change his shirt and was allowed to remain at the Mall,” the representative told the Daily Mail.

Many Christians said they were shocked to learn the video was taken in the US.

“There is no way this should happen in USA,” Twitter user Carol Harper wrote. “He has a free speech right to wear that shirt, and a freedom of religion right to practice his faith in public places. More people should wear Christian shirts to that mall.”

A pastor said the man should take legal action against the mall.

“He should sue them into oblivion,” Pastor Chase Thompson tweeted. “This wouldn’t have happened anywhere in the US until very recently, and it certainly wouldn’t have happened if he’d had a pride shirt on and even 50 people complained.”

Others said they planned to wear Jesus shirts en masse to the shopping mall as a protest. A man who was wearing a t-shirt that read “Jesus Saves” was reportedly kicked out of the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota for his shirt being too offensive for others.

Footage of the incident went viral and shows security officers telling the man wearing the green “Jesus Saves” shirt that his shirt was “offending” other shoppers in the mall.

The security would continue to tell the man he either had to remove his shirt or leave the mall. The back of the man’s shirt read “Jesus is the only way” and had the word “coexist” crossed out.

According to Blaze, the video first emerged on Facebook on January 7th and has been making its way around the web ever since.

In the video, the officers were quoted saying, “Jesus is associated with religion, and it’s offending people.”

The man would respond, “I didn’t speak… I didn’t say anything. I just went to Macy’s.”

Many users on Twitter were shocked this occurred in the United States:

This man was stopped by Mall cops for wearing a Jesus Saves t shirt. 

This is considered offensive to the shoppers at the @mallofamerica 

This id happening in the USA the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Mall of America is trending and I’m just going to point out that the offensive part of the man’s shirt wasn’t “Jesus Saves” but “Jesus is the only way” on the back with “coexist” crossed out. Guy was clearly just hanging out to be seen, not patronizing businesses.



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