A lady, who happens to be a Twitter user has shared a video on the micro blogging platform, as she met Papa Ajasco, who was seated on a bus. Papa Ajasco was on a bus when the Twitter user called him, waved at him and screamed in excitement.
While the lady screamed his name, Papa Ajasco!!! – He responded with his popular gesture, which is tapping his head with his hands. As Papa Ajasco was doing his popular gesture, the lady screamed in excitement by saying, “Ojigbijigbi”. She ended the video by saying “I’m so excited”. According to the lady, she described that beautiful moment as “Childhood memories”.
She wrote: “I saw Papa Ajasco today, I couldn’t hide how excited I was… so much memories… #Childhoodmemories”
I Saw Papa Ajasco today , I couldn’t hide how excited I was .. so much memories .. #Childhoodmemories pic.twitter.com/PJMMeaew0T
— Uloma (@Nwabaybee) February 28, 2020
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