LIQUIDACION: Se acabó Justo and Bueno supermercados por iliquidez financiera KossyDerrickBlog KossyDerrickEnt


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الخميس، 4 أغسطس 2022

LIQUIDACION: Se acabó Justo and Bueno supermercados por iliquidez financiera

The Superintendence of Companies definitively announced the closure of the supermarket chain, the company must immediately return the premises and with this determination, the creditors are left in suspense about the date on which they will pay their debts. (Read More Here).

According to the liquidator manager, Darío Laguado , to achieve the rescue, more than 303,149 million pesos were needed, the two possible bidders were Alfonso Giraldo and Marco Gerardo Monroy , but since yesterday it was known that the supermarkets were already doomed to disappear.

En la audiencia pública de salvamento de Justo&Bueno en Supersociedades, el juez en concurso ordenó dar por terminado el mecanismo de rescate y levantar la suspensión de la liquidación judicial contra de la cadena de supermercados, tras no recibir ninguna... 

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